Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Two McCains

By Melba Tolliver

I’m scared. There appears to be two John McCains running for president. There’s the John McCain who on page 68 of his book Why Courage Matters instructs parents on how to start their children thinking about honesty. Comparing himself to his own father, McCain writes, “He wouldn’t tell a lie, ever.” McCain admits, “I have not lived as honestly as he did.” Änd McCain adds, “Whenever I’ve been less than honest, I’ve felt ashamed and much worse than had I told the truth and taken the consequences.” And then there’s the other John McCain. The one who most major news organizations, fact-checkers and even some Republicans are calling out as one big fat liar.

There’s the John McCain advertising himself as an agent of change. And there’s the other John McCain who changes the subject every time he’s caught telling one of his big fat lies. There’s the McCain who prides himself on his patriotism. Then there’s the other one who rarely wears a flag pin.

There’s one of the most celebrated POW’s in our nation’s history who ridicules his opponent for being a celebrity. There’s the McCain who says he’s going to kick butt in Washington. But there’s the other McCain, a Washington insider, boastful deregulator, Arizona congressman and senator who’s never held another civilian job except a couple of years on the payroll of his wife’s beer business.

There’s the John McCain who promises to lead Americans into a bright and prosperous future. And the John McCain who admits he knows next to nothing about our economy and even less about how to send an e-mail or how ordinary people are using 21st century technology to build and strengthen communities. Something, by the way that Barack Obama—former community organizer—- uses effectively and efficiently.

So who exactly are the entrenched folks McCain intends to kick around if he makes it to the presidency? Watching McCain kick himself will be a sight to see.

And what about his running mate? She seems to have an evil twin as well. There’s Sarah the earmarks buster and Sarah who overloaded Alaska’s shopping cart with pork every chance she got. Then there’s Sarah who was all for the bridge to nowhere until the Congress said no deal. Then she morphed into the Sarah who jumped off the bridge idea.

This election just isn’t fair. The Republicans are running four candidates, while the poor Democrats only get to run two. And if the Republicans win the White House how will we know which of the two McCains or the two Palins is calling the shots?

I guess that question explains why some voters remain undecided.

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